You Are a Gift - December 10, 2023

Dec 10, 2023    Pastor Kendon Alexander

12.10.2023 Pastor Kendon

You Are a Gift

Matt 1:23

23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

 ◦ We do not serve a God that is demanding us to give him things in order for Him to give us things

John 3:16

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

 ◦ My God is a giver

 ◦ Jesus took a towel and wrapped himself in the towel and washed the disciples feet!

 ◦ He knew one would doubt and betray Him, but He still washed their feet and lived on them.

 ◦ Joseph sold to slavery and thrown in Prison and forgotten, but he still was a gift!

 ◦ God has prepared a way for you!

 ◦ Peter denies Jesus. Even after He rose, Jesus said go tell the disciples and Peter! Why??? Because Peter was a gift!

 ◦ You’re not a failure, but you’re a gift! You’re not a mistake, but a gift! 

 ◦ God formed you from your mother’s womb and has a purpose for you! A Gift!!!

 ◦ No weapon formed again will prosper.

 ◦ Eggs- broken

 ◦ Chocolate Chips- chip on the shoulder

 ◦ Flour- by itself leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

 ◦ Vanilla- smells great but is bitter! The outside is great but inside is bitter! Holding onto things from the past.

 ◦ Many of us are stuck in a cycle of insanity. (Expecting a different result)

Matthew 2:12

12 And being warned by God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.

 ◦ Herod wanted to destroy them!

 ◦ You have to go another way!

 ◦ If you go back to “NORMAL” there’s a trap in “NORMAL” the enemy has set for your demise!

 ◦ God is saying I’m ready to take you another way! Going back to the same friends..same relationship…stuck in a cycle of insanity. LET GOD TAKE US ANOTHER WAY

Joshua 3:4

4 Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure: come not near unto it, that ye may know the way by which ye must go: for ye have not passed this way heretofore.

 ◦ You cannot be stuck in Normal! Let it Go! Get rid of that phone number.

 ◦ If they want to talk away let them.

 ◦ Will you allow Him to have total surrender over your life???

 ◦ Not my will but let Your will be done!

 ◦ When you go a different way people question what you are doing.

 ◦ Stirring The Pot. 

 ◦ I’ll take the worst and I’ll begin to do something new and in another way!

 ◦ When you go another way, people will question!

 ◦ Caught in depression, a cycle, of anger, and judgment.

 ◦ Not stirring the pot—-but instead God is working!

 ◦ When you allow God to keep working then He takes all those things you thought would destroy you and now you can be a gift to someone else!

 ◦ The gift is if I can make it then you can make it!