What to Expect on Sunday?

It can be pretty discomforting to attend a new church where you don’t know what to expect, especially if you haven’t been to church in a while, or maybe ever before. We hope to put you at ease. If someone has invited you to attend or you just found our website and decided to visit, please be assured that we have designed our environment to be as welcoming as possible.


Make sure you stop at our visitors tent


IMPACTKIDZ (Age 5 thru 12), IMPACT PRE-K (Ages 3-4), & IMPACTLITTLES (Infants to 4 ). 


How Long Are Our Services?
We generally try to keep our services within 1 hour 15 minutes.

What Kind of People Go to Impact Church?
We attract students, senior citizens, young professionals, singles, couples, young families, businessmen and women… pretty much anyone. All who come find the church to be welcoming and relevant

What If I’ve Never Been to Church Before?
We won’t ask you to stand out by raising your hand or standing to let us know you are a first time visitor. You won’t have to wear a name tag or be forced to single yourself out in anyway. Just come in, grab a cup of coffee, and join the service. No expectations. No pressure.

What Should I Wear?
There is no dress code. We have those who dress in suits and others who come in jeans and t-shirts. We just ask that you be respectful in your attire.

What If I’m Running Late?
Everyone’s late to something. Don’t sweat it. Our greeters will be there to help you find a seat and make your arrival smooth. Better late than never!

How Do I Get There?
Please see addresses and maps below.

Will I Be Asked To Give Money?
Although we do take donations (tithes and offerings) during our service we DO NOT ask our visitors to give.

What Kind Of Church Is Impact Church?
We are a diverse, cross-cultural, multi-generational church with one thing in common; the desire to live lives that matter.

What Are the Messages Like?
See for yourself. Our goal in the sermons is life transformation, not just the transmission of information. Biblical knowledge is not assumed, it’s explained. We recognize that not everyone learns the Bible in a literate way, but everyone can learn audibly. It’s the personal stories that you remember from sermons, the charisma of the speaker that you might find contagious. It’s the down-to-earth, practical, intellectual, emotional and personal message that sticks out in your mind. We teach directly from the Bible but in a relevant style.

Sunday Services

9:00 - 10:30 - 12:00
*unless otherwise noted in upcoming events

Steubenville Campus
301 N. 4th Street
Steubenville, OH 43952

Additional Campus

Weirton Campus
300 School Street
Weirton, WV