April 16: Healing Rain Ministries

Apr 16, 2023    Missionary, Chris and Carmen McBeath

Healing Rain Ministries started in July of 2012 as we followed the voice of God to go to Matagalpa, Nicaragua. We have been in Matagalpa for 9 1/2 years. God has done so many wonderful things in Nicaragua. We are able to minister weekly in public schools to over 1,500 students. We disciple them and teach them the Word of God. We also work with the elderly on a monthly basis giving them supplies and loving on them. We let them know God loves them and has not forgotten about them. We have been able to build two feeding centers and turn them over to the local pastors. These centers make sure the people that do not have food in those communities get the food they need. We are really excited to announce the plans for our third feeding center in 2021. This feeding center will reach help a rural mountain community. In March of 2020 we planted our first church in the rural mountains of Nicaragua. This was such a blessing because people were walking 2 hours to get to church. Some risking their lives during rainy season because of the muddy roads along the mountain side. The church has transformed this community and brought it closer. Right now we are doing two large outreaches a year. In February each year we do a Back to School Project where we purchase school supplies for students to ensure they can attend school. At Christmas time we do an outreach giving food and supplies to families. We also do our end of the year parties in the schools with food, gifts, and candy for the students. Please continue to pray for our family and ministry as we move forward and follow God's calling on our lives. Our heart is to see many souls being transformed into the image of Christ Jesus our Savior and to raise them up to disciple their own nation. We want to see the fire of God to bring revival to the world!

Jesus Reigns,

Chris and Carmen McBeath
