Women’s Ministry

Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring praise at the city gate.

Proverbs 31:30

Women’s ministry means ministering to the heart of the home. We understand that we are all at
different stages: single, married, widowed, kids, grandkids, no kids. No matter what stage we are at
we need Jesus, and we need each other. There is something about a group of women getting
together to grow in God and to share their struggles, success, and triumphs.

Gatekeepers: Building relationships with each other helps to build the church. We plan outings and
events just for the women of Impact Church (18 and up) every other month. Please join our
Gatekeepers Facebook page for updates and announcements. We will also announce in church and
the website as events are planned.
Movie nights
Pool parties
Mother’s Day Brunch
Shopping trips
Christmas Party
And more….
Women’s Bible Study: Growing together in the word is essential. We are not meant to journey or
grow alone. We host 3 bible studies a year at various locations throughout the Ohio Valley. All of
our studies include a workbook and weekly meetings to discuss the study.

Need More Info? Contact Stephanie Alexander, Kristi Airhart, Jill Shoemaker