April 2: Palm & Youth Sunday

Apr 2, 2023    Emaly Elerick

Today we were blessed to hear from Emaly.

Hello everyone! Anyone who knows me has heard me speak about the heavy calling God has put on my life for the missions field, and the door for me to go has finally been opened!! I’ve been accepted into Overland Missions AMT( Advanced Missions Training) school in Zambia, Africa where I will be getting real experience and hands-on training in my three months there! To be able to go I have to raise 8,000 dollars in the next 8 months and I need your help to get there! There are two ways that you can help me step into this calling God has given me.

First, please be praying that God’s will be done in this and stand in faith with me that he will provide. Secondly, if you feel led to walk with me in this by giving, fundraisers will be held in the near future so be looking out for those:)

Additionally, you can give by clicking https://www.overlandmissions.com/ donate and putting

my name in the “ donation memo” !

Another way you can give is through my Venmo @EmalyElerick12 .

Thank you for supporting me in any way you can whether it be through prayer or giving financially!

God has given me this amazing calling but it will take your support for me to get there,

so join me in my mission!!